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[欧美] u make me wanna


升级   11.13%

浪漫♂可可 发表于 2009-2-24 18:28:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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u make me wanna你让我想要……

To start it off I know you know me从开始到结束 我知道你了解我
To come to think of it, it was only last week.我开始想它了 就在上个星期
That I had a dream about us, oh.是关于我们的一个梦
That's why I am here, I'm writing this song.这是我在这里的原因 我在写这歌
To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along,告诉我你的心里话 我始终在受着煎熬
Someway let me know, you want me girl.让我知道你为什么要离开我

Everytime you see me what do you see?每次你看见我 你看见了什么
I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.我觉得我是个卑微的人而你却高高在上
Oh baby, you're the only thing that I really need.哦 宝贝 你真的是我需要的唯一
Baby that's why:亲爱的 那是为什么

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.你使我想要在午夜找到你
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.你使我想拥着你直到天明
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.你使我想陷落在爱的美好中
You make me wanna surrender my soul.你让我想交出自己的灵魂
I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.我知道这感觉我抵挡不了的
You're the first and last thing on my mind.从开始到结束我始终把你放在心上
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.你使我想陷入爱河中
You make me wanna surrender my soul.你让我想交出自己的灵魂

Well I know that these feelings won't end no, no.唉 我知道这个感觉不能结束 不能
They'll just get stronger if I see you again.如果我在看见你 爱会更强烈
Baby I'm tired of being friends.亲爱的 我厌倦了做朋友
I wanna know if you feel the same我想知道你是否有一样的感觉
And could you tell me do you feel my pain?你知道我的伤痛吗 能告诉我吗
Don't leave me in doubt.不要让我感到不安

Everytime you see me what do you see?每次看我时你看到了什么
I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.我感觉我是小人物而你却是女王
Oh baby, you're the only thing that I really need.哦 亲爱的 你真的是我所需要的唯一
And baby that's why:宝贝 这是为什么呢

I'll take you home real quick 我想立即带着你回家
And sit you down on the couch然后我们共坠爱河
Pour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out.我们激情的碰撞之后又迅速离去
Baby we can make sweet love.宝贝 我们可以甜蜜的坠入爱河
Then we'll take it nice and slow.到那时候 我们高潮迭起
I'm gonna touch you like you've never know before我快要轻轻碰撞你了 在这之前你什么也不知道
We're gonna make love all night.我们快要疯狂一夜了……


升级   31.03%

785533 发表于 2009-3-3 12:27:37 | 只看该作者
浪漫♀sunny 发表于 2009-3-3 13:56:41 | 只看该作者
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