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【LOL新闻】“圣雪降临‘活动来临 Get ready for the Snowdown Showdown

cyg331 发表于 2009-12-16 08:31:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 cyg331 于 2009-12-16 08:35 编辑

大意:LOL的勇士们庆祝新年的活动取名为圣雪降临活动 在年末 我们会为大家送上三款英雄的新皮肤以及两款限量版的皮肤和圣雪地图 我们还会为英雄们准备一种新的治疗药剂 请期待更多关于活动的消息
For countless years, the citizens of Valoran have celebrated the end of the calendar year in numerous ways. Even while the Rune Wars raged their fiercest, most people still reserved time to celebrate the passing of one year into the next. Each city-state observes this holiday- known as the Time of Snowdown - in its own unique way. The yordles of Bandle City prioritize merriment and indulgence, throwing week-long banquets and feasting on roasted meats and sweet liquors. Demacia observes the Time of Snowdown with a strong sense of reverence, hosting grand ceremonies which commemorate the past year’s fallen heroes. Even the insidious Noxians honor the Snowdown with surprising gentility by offering clemency to select prisoners of non-violent crimes.

The people of Valoran venerate the Time of Snowdown with such devotion for reasons rooted in history of the world. Many parts of Runeterra have always suffered bitter, merciless winters; this is especially true on Valoran after the devastation wrought upon the world by the Rune Wars. Valoran’s inhabitants have historically ceased their political squabbles to band against the greater threat of nature run amok. Countless tales of yore recount instances of sworn enemies easing their hostilities with one another in order to share in lavish feasts or to allow soldiers a chance to return home briefly. In modern times, the League of Legends continues the ancient traditions by adopting the holiday as a time of revelry – both to celebrate the peace that the League brings to Valoran and as a way of giving back to the city-states that granted the League its unique position of power in the world. League embassies in each city-state are made open to the public, and feature three week festivals to which all are welcome. The Institute of War holds an exclusive month-long celebration, and invites distinguished guests from all across the continent. Special runes are forged and awarded to exemplary summoners. Great celebratory scrimmages are held in the Fields of Justice, culminating in an epic battle royale amongst the League’s most powerful summoners.

The League calls this celebrated event the Snowdown Showdown.

In order to commemorate this festive event, Riot is excited to introduce a few changes to the game and items that will be available as the world of Valoran celebrates for the next 3 weeks (store item images attached below).

Champion skins: We will release 3 new skins on Day 1 of the Snowdown Showdown:
Snow Bunny Nidalee (special price of 260 RP if bought as bundle with Nidalee from 12/16-12/23, then priced at 520 RP)
Happy Elf Teemo (available from 12/16-1/6)
Workshop Nunu (available from 12/16-1/6)

We will also be releasing 2 limited edition skins which will only be available during the following periods:
Old St. Zilean (only available from 12/23-12/27)
Earnest Elf Tristana (only available from 12/31-1/3)

Runes: We will release 6 special holiday runes that will only be available from 12/16-1/6. 3 of them will be Tier 1.5, and 3 will be Tier 2.5.
Mark of the Crippling Candy Cane (Tier 2.5, critical damage)
Mark of the Yuletide Tannenbaum (Tier 1.5, critical chance)
Glyph of the Special Stocking (Tier 2.5, cooldown reduction)
Seal of the Elusive Snowflake (Tier 2.5, dodge)
Glyph of the Gracious Gift (Tier 1.5, AP per level)
Seal of the Stout Snowman (Tier 1.5, HP per level)

Map: We will replace the winter map with Snowdown Rift, a seasonal variant of the winter version of Summoner’s Rift that includes many holiday elements.

Consumable item: The health potion in the in-game store will be replaced by the Riot Nog potion. The effect of the potion will remain identical to the effect of the health potion.

Stay tuned for more announcements about exciting contests and content during this holiday celebration. And be sure the check the store early and often to get these rare skins and runes, as they will only be available during this event. We at Riot wish everyone a happy holiday season and we look forward to battling with you during the Snowdown Showdown!














参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
浪漫灬青云 + 20 这次中文更多了,而且图片也不错


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浪漫灬青云 发表于 2009-12-16 12:05:07 | 只看该作者

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lvjiajun 发表于 2009-12-16 12:08:23 | 只看该作者

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浪漫♂可可 发表于 2009-12-16 13:29:08 | 只看该作者
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