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[音乐] 在最美的时候,你遇见了谁?

紫↘冰凝ヾ 发表于 2007-11-11 18:27:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Which one came into your life when you were so happy enough……

Look back the pass, when you thought those loves just like star shot across the sky in a short periods of time. A missing for our god would be happened by our thoughts always. But we actually were not pay more attention on the opportunity of our love and encounter. During man and woman falling into their loves, always have more changeable elements in it , but just a little part, in which could change the direction of their choosing in the end.

Imagine that yours earlier coming might not be make me hand in hand with the other one, or more latter enough until there could be comprehend more a kind of tolerant, understanding, well-treat and compromise in our separate love experiences . Maybe in that time, when we go together again, never be so easy to abandon, leave for your self-assertive only, then missing our love.

If we can not go together, but we have been giving a deep love for each other, except for a sadly heart, finally only a wordless fading away left for each of us.

Millions of people, which we could meet across with our lover, how’s a precious chance for me! For more time, we could only understand that just for a couple of lovers which loving each other deeply, that maybe go through the experience for the time after some missing continuously , sadness, and exclamation over and over again.

In this world there may be have more unpredicted things, and unstopped leaving by ourselves. When he turns around that may be missing all your life already. After thousands of years, we could understand better that all of my action and trying were just be a joke for our god…….

I didn’t help that when we met with a wrong person in a wrong time;
I didn’t smile that when we met with a right person in a wrong time;
I didn’t happy that when we met with a wrong person in a right time;
Maybe it is a happy when we met with a right person in a right time.


Love always that we can not say it just with our words, nor were the day by day. For love, it is when you awake in late night, and you find that you still missing that person keep you faraway!” If you love a person but you can not get together, only way I could do may be my tear in my heart deeply, or wordless leaving….but how I can do?” Consider whether I can wait for her in my next time. Although we love each other more, but it needs the supporting for the time, gril may be more beautiful for her love, when you feel so, no doubt for your love deeply
爱不是千言万语,也不是朝朝暮暮;爱,只是每当午夜梦醒时,发现自己内心依然牵挂的是远方的那个人! "如果爱一个人而无法在一起,除了珍藏那一滴心底的泪,无言地走远,我们又能有什么选择呢?"开始怀疑是否有继续等待的信心.即使是相爱的俩个人,也需要时间来成全和考验,女生是为爱而美丽的,当你觉得自己美丽的时候:相信我没错你肯定是恋爱了

?"黑.。 发表于 2007-11-11 22:13:16 | 只看该作者
/xiaolichangdao 哇..好内容


                                                         /cahan 虽然看不懂

升级   30%

shin1984_cn 发表于 2007-11-12 06:56:26 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1金币 +1 收起 理由
任爱飘零 + 1 生活教会了我们很多东西


升级   30.4%

我爱浪漫 发表于 2007-11-12 09:31:36 | 只看该作者
I didn’t help that when we met with a wrong person in a wrong time;
I didn’t smile that when we met with a right person in a wrong time;
I didn’t happy that when we met with a wrong person in a right time;
Maybe it is a happy when we met with a right person in a right time
  OH    MY   GOD ```````````
Every man is the architect of his own for tune (自己的命運自己掌握)


参与人数 1金币 +1 收起 理由
任爱飘零 + 1 最后句我喜欢


升级   27.38%

伯爵 发表于 2007-11-12 17:33:48 | 只看该作者
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