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【LOL新闻】v1.0.0.63 版本更新日志

cyg331 发表于 2009-12-18 08:02:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Release Notes v1.0.0.63
PVP.net version 33.17
New Champion Information Pages and Champion Art! If you view the Champion Information Page (either via the Store Info button, Champion Select, or the Champion Browser in the Summoner Profile) you will see a new layout and new champion art
Icons and Art for champions have been updated across PVP.net
PVP.net will now automatically flag a user as “Away” after being idle. Also, users can manually toggle their status icon in their buddy list by clicking on it
On the PVP.net landing page, there is now an “Enter Chat” button that will automatically put the user into a public chat room
Skin selection is more prominent at the end of Champion Select
XP / IP Boosts should now show their duration in their tooltips
You can now automatically join a chat room each time you log in via the contextual options menu for each chat room
Fixed a bug with renaming Rune Book pages
Fixed a bug with the UI for joining custom chat rooms
Fixed a bug with vertical scroll bars not displaying properly at some resolutions

League of Legends version

Death Recap
League of Legends now includes Death Recap, a helpful feature for both new and veteran players alike, which shows the major sources of damage that led to a Champion’s demise. When a player’s Champion has been slain, the player can open the Death Recap window which will summarize all of the fatal damage they received during their final moments. The Death Recap window not only provides informative tips on how to avoid being killed by the same champion and spells again, but also displays the items the killing and assisting Champions have, and the stats of those items. The fatal damage taken is broken down on an integer and percentage basis, so that players can have a complete and thorough understanding of exactly how they were taken down.


NEW: Nidalee, The Bestial Huntress
Javelin Toss (Human): Nidalee tosses her javelin at long range, dealing increased damage the farther the javelin travels (up to 250%)
Bushwhack (Human): Nidalee creates a camouflaged trap that, when sprung, will reveal the target and deal damage. Champion Armor and Magic Resistance are reduced by a percentage for the duration of the debuff. Traps are visible to enemies
Primal Surge (Human): Nidalee calls upon her bestial heritage to heal an ally champion and grant them an attack speed bonus for a short duration
Aspect of the Cougar (Ultimate): Nidalee may freely transform between a human and a cougar at no cost. While in cougar form all of her attacks are melee and she gains additional dodge and movement speed. Leveling this skill increases the effects of her cougar abilities
Takedown (Cougar): Nidalee jumps at the throat of her target, dealing her attack damage plus a static bonus. The damage of this skill increases the lower life percentage the target has
Pounce (Cougar): Nidalee pounces forward, dealing damage in a small radius.
Swipe (Cougar): Nidalee slashes wildly in front of her, dealing moderate damage in a large area
Prowl (Passive): Nidalee gains additional movement speed when moving through or out of brush
Fixed a bug where Despair’s damage was incorrectly being calculated off of Amumu’s health instead of each nearby enemy’s
Fixed an inconsistency in Despair's damage where the first tick was dealing a different amount than subsequent ticks
Basic Attack Projectile Speed increased to 1200 from 780
Fixed a bug where Volley could hit a target multiple times per cast if the target was immune to buffs
Enchanted Crystal Arrow no longer reveals Ashe to enemies that cannot see her
Rupture Slow Duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
Phosphorous Bomb
Area of effect reduced to 225 from 250
Mana Cost increased to 90/100/110/120/130 from 70/85/100/115/130
Fixed a bug causing Phosphorous Bomb's particle to show above the fog of war, even without vision of that area
Fixed a bug where Phosphorous Bomb placed a buff on Corki saying he would miss on attacks
Fixed a bug where the vision granted by Phosphorous Bomb disappeared upon using a basic attack
Cast range reduced to 700 from 900
Mana Cost increased to 100 from 100/90/80/70/60
Missile Barrage
Small Missile area of effect reduced to 200 from 225
Large Missile area of effect reduced to 300 from 350
Mana Cost increased to 25/30/35 from 20/25/30
Dr. Mundo
Fixed a bug where Infected Cleaver would delay for a short period if cast immediately after the cooldown ended
Stats: Movement Speed increased to 300 from 290
Cannon Barrage no longer reveals Gangplank to enemies when cast
Fixed a bug where Cannon Barrage's particles showed above the fog of war, even if you didn't have vision of the area
Fixed a bug where Gangplank would fail to close distance to cast Parrrley or Raise Morale if Cannon Barrage was occurring
CH-1 Cuncussion Grenade
Particle no longer shows through the fog of war
Projectile Speed increased to 750 from 650
H-28G Evolution Turret
Gold given on death reduced to 12 from 15
Turret Range increased to 575 from 550
Hextech Micro-Rockets (Remake):
Heimerdinger fires a rocket at up to 1/1/2/2/3 random visible enemy champion(s)
Cooldown reduced to 20 from 23
Mana Cost reduced to 70/90/110/130/150 from 80/105/130/155/180
UPGRADE!!! Mana Cost reduced to 100 from 125
Basic Attack Projectile Speed increased to 1400 from 1200
Health per level increased to 75 from 70
Damage per level increased to 3 from 2.5
Cleaned up knock back effect to hit the correct area, increased knock back distance, and made knock back more consistent
Duration reduced to 4 from 6
Heal per tick increased to 90/150/210 from 60/100/140
Ability Power Ratio increased to .35 from .25
Howling Gale
Mana Cost reduced to 80/100/120/140/160 from 110/130/150/170/190
Cooldown reduced to 11 from 12
Zephyr Cooldown reduced to 13/12/11/10/9 from 14/13/12/11/10
Improved Leap Strike's responsiveness; you can now move much sooner after striking (but not attack)
Requiem no longer reveals Karthus to enemies when cast
Basic Attack Projectile Speed increased to 1200 from 800
Lay Waste Ability Power coefficient increased to .3/.6 from .25/.5
Lay Waste Damage increased to 40/60/80/100/120 (x2) from 35/55/75/95/115
Defile Ability Power coefficient increased to .25 from .2
Righteous Fury now triggers spell cast effects (such as Sheen and Tear of the Goddess)
Removed Cast Animation for Brutal Strikes
Stats: Base Armor increased to 16 from 7
Fixed a bug causing Tormented Soil to appear above the fog of war, even without vision of the area
Absolute Zero base Damage increased to 625/875/1125 from 500/700/900
Jack in the Box's fear range will now match the activation range
Basic Attack Projectile Speed increased to 1200 from 800
Spiral Blade Damage modified to 60/115/170/225/280 from 75/125/175/225/275
Spell Shield Mana Restore on Spell Block reduced to 125 from 150
Fixed a bug with On the Hunt causing it to last too long on allies
On the Hunt Attack Speed reduced to 25/45/65% from 25/50/75%
On the Hunt Movement Speed reduced to 30% from 35%
Fixed a bug where Bantam Trap was granting vision of an area for too long after an enemy triggered it
Camouflage time to Stealth reduced to 4.5 seconds from 6 seconds
Bloodlust Cooldown increased to 20/18/16/14/12 from 12 at all levels
Mocking Shout Duration reduced to 4 from 5 seconds
Slash bonus Damage decreased to 40/90/140/185/240 from 60/105/150/195/240
Undying Rage Cooldown increased to 130/115/100 from 120/100/80
Battle Fury bonus Crit % reduced to 25% at all levels from 30/40/50% at levels 1/6/12
Twisted Fate
Pick a Card Gold Cards now only stun the unit directly hit (they will now slow surrounding units instead of stunning them)
Pick a Card Duration reduced to 10 from 15
Destiny no longer reveals Twisted Fate to enemies when cast
Gate Cooldown increased to 120/105/90/75/60 from 90/75/60/45/30
Gate Mana Cost increased to 80 from 80/70/60/50/40
Reduced the shared cooldown on abilities to 2.5 from 3 seconds
Reduced the reactivation cooldown on abilities to 6 from 9 seconds
Bear Stance
Mana Cost reduced to 75/65/55/45/35 from 80/70/60/50/40
Duration between stuns reduced to 5 at all ranks from 9/8/7/6/5
Activation Movement Speed per rank increased to 18/22/26/30/34 from 6/12/18/24/30
Activation duration modified to 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 from 3
Phoenix Stance
Mana Cost reduced to 75/65/55/45/35 from 80/70/60/50/40
AP scaling on both components of Phoenix stance increased to .25 from .2
Turtle Stance
Mana Cost reduced to 75/65/55/45/35 from 80/70/60/50/40
Ability Power ratio on Turtle Shell increased to .5 from .35
Fixed a bug where the health and mana restored from Turtle Stance were not taking damage from items into account
Tiger Stance
Mana Cost reduced to 75/65/55/45/35 from 80/70/60/50/40
Attack Speed % increased to 24/33/42/51/60 from 20/27.5/35/42.5/50
Each hit should now trigger lifesteal effects.
Fixed a bug where the first hit in Tiger Stance was dealing a third of the damage it should
Duration for Tiger Strike's damage increased to 3 from 2 seconds
Monkey's Agility
Attack Speed per Stack increased to 15% from 12%
Fixed a bug where the different stacks of this buff would sync up and drop off at the same time
Base HP increased to 526 from 490
Base Movement Speed increased to 320 from 310
HP per Level increased to 99 from 83
MP per Level increased to 30 from 25
Damage per Level increased to 3.2 from 2.4
HP Regen per Level increased to .15 from .11
Updated recommended items
Basic Attack Projectile Speed increased to 1200 from 900

Summoner Spells
Promote has been removed until we can remake it to be better for casual pushing, but less useful when stacked
Demolisher (Promote Mastery) has been removed until Promote is reintroduced
Cleanse (remake)
No longer provides debuff immunity (but still removes debuffs when cast). Provides a 50% duration reduction to stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, sleeps and immobilizers for the next 3 seconds
Cooldown increased to 120 from 100
Willpower (Cleanse Mastery): Cooldown Reduction reduced to 20 from 30
Cooldown reduced to 180 from 270
Base Mana Restore increased to 160 from 100
Mana Restore per level increased to 30 from 25
Changed Flash’s targeting type so it no longer requires a location click; now it uses the location of the cursor
Fixed a bug where attempting to cast Flash extremely far distances away would cause the champion to move, instead of teleporting in that direction
Fixed a bug with Teleport where the spell could be cast on a minion right before it died, allowing the player to Teleport invisibly to a location

All items have had the following stats changed: Hit points -10%, Armor -10%, Magic Resist -5%
Combine Cost increased to 1000 from 600
Armor increased to 100 from 70
Damage Return increased to 25% from 20%
Deathfire Grasp
Ability Power reduced to 60 from 65
Mana Regeneration per 5 reduced to 10 from 15
Max HP% Damage increased to 30% from 25%
Ability Power Ratio increased to 3.5% from 3%
Fixed a bug with Innervating Locket where it would not proc on your first spell cast
Fixed a bug with Innervating Locket where it sometimes would not proc when it should
Madred's Bloodrazors
Damage reduced to 30 from 35
Armor reduced to 25 from 30
Max HP% Damage increased to 4% from 3%
Max HP% caps at 4500
Combine Cost increased to 800 from 600
Health reduced to 180 from 215
Health per stack reduced to 32 from 37.5
Mejai's Soulstealer
Combine Cost reduced to 800 from 1000
Cooldown Reduction increased to 15% from 10%
Removed Health/Mana Restore on Kill
Ability Power per Stack increased to 10 from 8
Rylai's Crystal Scepter slow duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5 seconds.
Rylai’s Crystal Scepter will now trigger on dealing non-periodic Spell Damage, instead of spell hit. This means that spells like Destiny or Time Warp, which previously triggered the effect, won’t anymore; however, Rupture will now slow on dealing damage instead of on the initial cast, Powerball will now trigger the effect when you hit units, etc.
Mercury Treads Magic Resist reduced to 30 from 35.
Chalice of Harmony Magic Resist reduced to 35 from 40.
Elixir of Agility Attack Speed reduced to 15%-25% from 25%-35%.
Elixir of Agility Critical Strike chance reduced to 15% from 20%.

Holiday Cheer has been added to the Winter Map
Reduced First Blood Bonus Gold to 100 from 150
Dragon Respawn Time increased to 6 minutes from 5 minutes
Dragon Global Gold reduced to 130 from 165
Death Timers (Summoner's Rift)
Reduced Percent Increase per Minute to .02 from .024
Reduced Percent Cap to 1.5 from 1.75 (this reduces the max death timer to 75 from 87.5
Towers and buildings that are not currently targetable will no longer display a healthbar
Instant cast spells like Yeti’s Bloodboil can now be cast while chasing a unit with another spell/attack
Fixed several crash bugs
Fixed a bug related to spells that would appear to go on cooldown, but actually were not cast
Made some improvement in movement for machines that experience regular lag

Base Health increased to 1300 from 1200
Increased damage growth per minute to 6 from 5
Global Experience given on death reduced to 240 from 270
Removed late game Turret Armor and Magic Resistance decay

Increased the effectiveness of Attack Damage per level runes by 11.1%
Increased the effectiveness of Attack Speed runes by 150%
Increased the effectiveness of Magic Penetration runes by 13.6%
Reduced the effectiveness of flat Health runes by 17.6%
Reduced the effectiveness of Armor and Armor per level runes by 10%
Reduced the effectiveness of Magic Resist and Magic Resist per level runes by 10%
Clarity Seals of all tiers can now be obtained through the store and the combiner

Baron Nashor
Increased Spawn Time to 15 minutes from 8 minutes
Reduced Global Gold to 250 from 300
Reduced Max Damage / Ability Power granted by Exalted with Baron Nashor to 40 from 50

升级   37.8%

浪漫灬青云 发表于 2009-12-18 11:39:13 | 只看该作者
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