社長 发表于 2009-2-18 17:51:39

【爆料】。。。。圣斗士星矢-冥王神话 。。。。。标题要长

本帖最后由 社長 于 2009-2-18 18:25 编辑

预计OVA 13话社长独家报道:

圣战,从古代神话,那里的雅典娜女神像和阎王有抗击对方而卫冕地球反复的跨度200年。这个事件发生在18世纪的欧洲, 243年前的原始“圣斗士星矢。 ”三个小孩,天满,单独和萨莎都共享一个非常幸福的童年在一起。天满谁是相当积极,但正直搬到庇护成为圣。正是在那里,他是祖国的怀抱,萨莎谁是姐姐,孤独和倾斜,她是转世的雅典娜女神像。 谁仅是实物,温和的和热爱绘画之所以被选中,是敌人的尸体国王阎王。 天满最终成为圣人的Pegasus和从事激烈战斗,他最好的朋友而言,国王的阎王。 飞马天满,王阎王,和雅典娜女神像,并通过捻其3命运展开合并起来,这样一序幕原来的“圣斗士星矢。

以上GOOGLE 翻译的

A Holy War, from ancient mythology, where the Goddess Athena and Hades have fought against each other while defending the earth repeatedly over the span of 200 years. The story takes place in 18th century Europe, 243 years prior to the original “Saint Seiya.” Three small children, Tenma, Alone, and Sasha have all shared a very happy childhood together. Tenma who is quite aggressive but upstanding has moved to Sanctuary to become a saint. It is there that he is reunited with Sasha who is the sister of Alone and leans that she is the reincarnation of Goddess Athena. Alone who is kind, gentle and loves painting was chosen for the body of enemy King Hades. Tenma eventually becomes a saint of Pegasus and engages in a fierce battle with his best friend Alone, the King of Hades. Pegasus Tenma, King Hades, and the Goddess Athena and through the twist of their 3 fates merge together which unfolds a prologue to the original “Saint Seiya.

喜欢圣斗士的 顶哦。。。。。。。

社長 发表于 2009-2-18 18:19:51


浪漫♂可可 发表于 2009-2-18 18:22:40

本帖最后由 浪漫♂可可 于 2009-2-18 18:29 编辑


zuo 吧


lvjiajun 发表于 2009-2-18 20:03:50

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